We are delighted to announce the full programme of in person/digital lectures for 2024/25. All lectures are Saturdays at 2.15pm, Town Close Auditorium, Norwich Castle Museum. (Lectures are also available online, please pre-book digital attendance on the links below. Webinars will open at 2pm, for the 2.15 start)


Sep 7 Results from excavations of a Middle Anglo-Saxon malting complex at Sedgeford, Dr Eleanor Blakelock, Director SHARP. Digital Booking

Oct 5 Marchpanes, Trenchers, and the Very Best of Ham: the Norwich Guild Feast, c.1560-1700, Dr Vic Morgan, UEA. Digital Booking

Nov 2  (Joint lecture with the Prehistoric Society)Reviewing the evidence from Arminghall Timber Circle/Henge and Warham Camp Iron Age Fort: Anchor monuments for the stewardship of prehistoric landscapes, Dr Andy Hutcheson, UEA. Digital Booking

Dec 7  (Joint lecture with NAHRG) Exploring the religious lives of medieval people through archaeological finds from Norfolk, Prof Michael Lewis, British Museum. Digital Booking


Jan 4 Tradition and Innovation: pots and potters of Late Saxon to Late Medieval East Anglia, Dr Sue Anderson (Hon Editor Norfolk Archaeology) Digital Booking

Feb 1 Excavations of a new Anglo-Saxon site in Norfolk, Lily Hodges, Cotswold Archaeology. Digital Booking

Mar 1 The Sue Margeson Memorial Lecture: Rendlesham Revealed: exploring an East Anglian Royal Centre, Prof. Christopher Scull, Cardiff University and University College London. Digital Booking

Download the programme at NNAS Lecture Dates 2024-25