Join us
There are a number of different types of membership. Members receive Norfolk Archaeology and two newsletters a year, as well as free entry to Society events.
There are three different types of membership. Individual members will receive their own copy of Norfolk Archaeology and two newsletters a year, as well as free entry to Society events. Joint members will each be entitled to free entry to Society events, but will only receive one copy of Norfolk Archaeology and of each newsletter between them. Institutional members receive Norfolk Archaeology only, but are welcome to send delegates to events.
Current subscription rates are as follows:
- Individual membership: £29
- Household (2 adults and 4 children): £35
- Institutional: £35
All subscriptions are payable upon joining and membership is renewed annually. Online memberships will remind you automatically but postal memberships run form January of each year. Please make prompt payment without reminder to the Treasurer.
For younger people interested in Archaeology:
Young Archaeologists Club
Norwich Branch
Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society is pleased to sponsor and support Norwich YAC.
Who are we?
Norwich YAC Branch is a kind of ‘archaeological youth club’, one of about 60 around the country which provide activities and experiences for young people, aged 8–16, who are interested in archaeology. It is run by volunteer leaders and assistants who are either archaeologists, or very interested in archaeology, and who have experience of working with young people. The club is sponsored and organised by the NNAS.
What is YAC?
YAC is managed by the Council for British Archaeology (CBA), who provide training, insurance, and support for all the branches. All YAC Branch Leaders and Assistants have gone through disclosure (police) checks and all activities are fully risk assessed. Young people can become members of just a branch and/or members of YAC on a national basis. To read more about the national club membership, and how to get YAC Magazine, or take part in YAC residential holidays, please click here.
What do we do?
Norwich branch meet once a month during the school year, on a Saturday morning. Our regular meeting place is in central Norwich. We normally meet between 10–12.30, but there will also be site visits which are longer, and other activities like fieldwalking days. Coming to the branch gives you the opportunity to mix with other people who are interested in archaeology, go to sites, meet real archaeologists and do lots of hands-on activities.
What does it cost?
Branch membership is £15 per school year, paid by BACS, cash or cheque when you join. Very occasionally materials or entrance fees are extra, but you will always know about this well in advance.
How do I join?
Contact Sophie Cabot by email at, or write to me at 1 Popes Buildings, Calvert St, Norwich, NR3 1BZ. I will answer any questions you have, and send you a medical form and a programme of upcoming events. There might be a short wait for a place, but once you are told your place has been allocated you just have to come along – we look forward to meeting you soon!
Join online
Become a member of NNAS online here.
Join by post
Whenever possible members are requested to pay subscriptions by standing order. A printable application form can be downloaded from the link below and the use of this will help reduce the Society’s expenses. In addition, for those paying tax at the standard rate or above, the completion of the Gift Aid Declaration form will enable the Society to reclaim tax on the subscription from HM Revenue and Customs.
Application Form
Please click below to download a membership application form, you will need to print this out, complete and return to:
The Hon. Membership Secretary,
Alistair Graham Kerr,
Casemate, 7 Burgh Castle Marina,
Butt Lane, Burgh Castle,
Norfolk NR31 9PZ
Members' email list
Please sign up to our email list below if you are already a member.