A recent photograph of King Charles III. He wears a blue suit, and smiles directly at the camera.

We are delighted to announce that, following a review of over 1000 organisations holding senior Royal Patronages, Buckenham Palace has informed us that His Majesty The King will be continuing the close connection between the Society and the royal family, by accepting the Patronage of the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society left vacant at the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Many of you will be aware that His Majesty has an ongoing interest in archaeology, having studied ‘Arch and Anth’ as an undergraduate at Cambridge – when he participated in excavations . The late Queen was our Patron for her entire reign, and indeed the first recorded UK royal patronage was George II’s involvement with the Society of Antiquaries, so the connection is strong. King Charles now holds ten archaeological patronages, including continuing the patronage of the Council For British Archaeology, which he held as Prince of Wales, so we may confidently hope that in him we have a strong supporter and advocate who will be championing our subject for many years to come.